Odometer start distance 49662 km
End of day 1 Wellington 50450 km 788 km 828 km
End of day 2 Springfield 51120 km 670 km 1458 km
End of day 3 Geraldine 51315 km 195 km 1653 km (rain affected day)
End of day 4 Dunedin 51553 km 238 km 1891 km (rain affected day)
End of day 5 Dunedin 51553 km 0 km 1891 km (rain affected day)
End of day 6 Bluff (St.I)51976 km 423 km 2314 km
Speedo cable broke on day 7 so distances calculated off google maps from here on.
End of day 7 Te Anau 239 km 2553km
End of day 8 Haast 589 km 3142 km
End of day 9 Wellington 809 km 3951 km
End of day 10 Tauranga 945 km 4896 km
All up cost about $1650 + tyre wear (approx $100)
Rear Tyre had 6.5 mm of tread left out of 14mm when new.
Rear tyre was fitted at 48365 km and odometer would now read 54558 if speedo cable had not broken. So 7.5mm of wear over 6193km = 825 km/mm of tread wear. This is slightly better than the prevoius Mitas E-09 rear tyre that wore at a rate of 775 km /mm.

The front tyre wears the knobs on an angle so it is more difficult to calculate the wear.
Front tyre fitted at 45750 km and now at 54558km = 8808 km. The tyre is now pretty much toast. But it was a very good tyre.
The XT 400 performed well. Only problem was a broken speedo cable. Not bad for a 5000km trip.
The weather played a bit of a role in this trip. It rained during the course of the wedding.
Days 3 and 5 were shortened considerably due to rain. Otherwise I would have ventured out to Lake Tekapo and Cromwell on day 3. Day 5 was just a day lost waiting for the rain to clear.
Also, when at Haast I became aware if the incoming rain so decided to "high-tail" it back home. 1750 km in 2 days. Otherwise I would have ventured up into Takaka and possibly hiked in the Abel Tasman National Park. Also I would have covered the rest of the Dusty Butt 1000 that I had not yet completed.
Rain cannot be helped, and I had a great time overall. In particular it was great to travel Arthur's Pass and the Milford Rd again. These are my 2 favorite roads in New Zealand.
I was also extremely impressed with the Gentle Annie Highway from Taihape to Napier. I love riding twisty hilly roads through "big country" with massive panoramic views of mountains, lakes and rivers. There is a certain magic to it that just makes you feel good.
The bird life on Stewart Island and the nature walk on Ulva Island were also highlights.
Another 2 minor highlights were the eastern Waiarapa roads and the back road from Cheltenham to Mangaweka.
End of day 1 Wellington 50450 km 788 km 828 km
End of day 2 Springfield 51120 km 670 km 1458 km
End of day 3 Geraldine 51315 km 195 km 1653 km (rain affected day)
End of day 4 Dunedin 51553 km 238 km 1891 km (rain affected day)
End of day 5 Dunedin 51553 km 0 km 1891 km (rain affected day)
End of day 6 Bluff (St.I)51976 km 423 km 2314 km
Speedo cable broke on day 7 so distances calculated off google maps from here on.
End of day 7 Te Anau 239 km 2553km
End of day 8 Haast 589 km 3142 km
End of day 9 Wellington 809 km 3951 km
End of day 10 Tauranga 945 km 4896 km
All up cost about $1650 + tyre wear (approx $100)
Rear Tyre had 6.5 mm of tread left out of 14mm when new.
Rear tyre was fitted at 48365 km and odometer would now read 54558 if speedo cable had not broken. So 7.5mm of wear over 6193km = 825 km/mm of tread wear. This is slightly better than the prevoius Mitas E-09 rear tyre that wore at a rate of 775 km /mm.

The front tyre wears the knobs on an angle so it is more difficult to calculate the wear.
Front tyre fitted at 45750 km and now at 54558km = 8808 km. The tyre is now pretty much toast. But it was a very good tyre.
The XT 400 performed well. Only problem was a broken speedo cable. Not bad for a 5000km trip.
The weather played a bit of a role in this trip. It rained during the course of the wedding.
Days 3 and 5 were shortened considerably due to rain. Otherwise I would have ventured out to Lake Tekapo and Cromwell on day 3. Day 5 was just a day lost waiting for the rain to clear.
Also, when at Haast I became aware if the incoming rain so decided to "high-tail" it back home. 1750 km in 2 days. Otherwise I would have ventured up into Takaka and possibly hiked in the Abel Tasman National Park. Also I would have covered the rest of the Dusty Butt 1000 that I had not yet completed.
Rain cannot be helped, and I had a great time overall. In particular it was great to travel Arthur's Pass and the Milford Rd again. These are my 2 favorite roads in New Zealand.
I was also extremely impressed with the Gentle Annie Highway from Taihape to Napier. I love riding twisty hilly roads through "big country" with massive panoramic views of mountains, lakes and rivers. There is a certain magic to it that just makes you feel good.
The bird life on Stewart Island and the nature walk on Ulva Island were also highlights.
Another 2 minor highlights were the eastern Waiarapa roads and the back road from Cheltenham to Mangaweka.
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